Friday, June 29, 2007

The energy efficient home

High energy use not only has environmental impacts but can hit you personally in the pocketbook. Here is a list of helpful suggestions that may allow you to reduce energy consumption in your household.

Minimize hot water use by taking shorter showers and washing your clothes in cold water.
Use your dishwasher and washing machine only with full loads.
Dry clothes in the sun (check your covenants, clotheslines are prohibited in some communities).
Try setting your water heater at 120 degrees.
Close doors to seldom used rooms and turn off heat or air conditioning in these areas.
Clean or replace heater and air conditioner filters regularly. Keep outside vents free of leaves or debris that may clog vents.
Use kitchen, bath, and other exhaust fans sparingly. These fans can blow away a house full of heated or cooled air in an hour.
Keep your fireplace damper closed unless you have a fire going. An open damper can let as much as 8 percent of your heat go out the chimney. The warmth from a fire on the hearth generally doesn't radiate through the house; the heat gain is confined to the room with the fireplace. In fact, a considerable amount of heated air from other parts of the house can go wastefully up the chimney when a fire is going.
To lessen heat loss when you use your fireplace and the furnace is on, lower the thermostat setting to 50 or 55 degrees. Some warmed air will still be lost, but the furnace won't have to use as much fuel to keep the rest of the house at its usual temperature
Close all doors and warm air ducts to the room with the fireplace, and open a window near the fireplace half an inch to an inch. Air needed by the fire will be provided through the open window, and the amount of heated air drawn from the rest of the house will be reduced.
When the heat is on, set your thermostat at as low a level as you feel comfortable. You save for each degree you lower the average temperature of your home.
Keep windows near your thermostat tightly closed; otherwise it will keep your furnace working after the rest of the house is heated to the desired temperature.
If you have oil heat, have the firing rate checked periodically.
Dust and vacuum radiator surfaces frequently. Dust and grime impede the flow of heat.
Keep draperies and shades open in sunny windows; close them at night.
For comfort in cooler indoor temperatures, use the best insulation of all--warm clothing.
Keep your cooling system well-tuned by a professional service person.
Set your air conditioner thermostat as high as you still feel reasonably comfortable.
Don't set the thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. Your house will not cool any faster.
If you have window air conditioners, turn them off when a room will be vacant for a few hours. You'll use less energy cooling the room down later than if you had left the unit running.
Use a fan in conjunction with your window air conditioner.
Don't place lamps or TV sets near your air-conditioning thermostat. Heat from these items is sensed by the thermostat and could cause the air conditioner to run longer than necessary.
Keep out daytime sun with blinds or shades.
Keep lights off in vacant rooms.
Use large appliances in the early morning and late evening.
Open the windows and use a fan on cooler days.
Dress appropriately for the warmer indoor temperatures.
Use cold water rather than hot when running the garbage disposal.
Boil water in a covered pan; the water boils faster when the pan is covered.
Keep range top burners and reflectors clean so your stove operates at peak efficiency.
When using an oven or an electric burner, turn it off a little while before the cooking is done. The oven or element will stay hot after you turn it off.
When you have a choice, use the range top instead of the oven.
Scrape dishes before loading them into the dishwasher so you won't have to rinse them.
Let your dishes air dry.
Don't use the "rinse hold" on your dishwasher for just a few soiled dishes.
Water Conservation Makes Dollars and Sense
Reducing water use in your home may save you a few extra dollars on your water bill, but there are far more important reasons to conserve water. Water conservation has many positive environmental effects, including preserving fresh water habitats and saving energy.

A great deal of energy goes into transporting water to your residence, and more is used to heat water for your kitchen and bathrooms. Conserving water can prevent some of the pollution caused by excessive energy use while allowing you to save on your energy bill.

When we use too much water, the result can also be detrimental to the environment. Much of the water that we consume comes from underground reserves. If this water is used faster than it is replenished, the land above the water reserves can sink. Once subsidence occurs, the underground aquifers where water was stored cannot be reformed and area that relied on the aquifer will have to find other sources of water.

Following are some suggestions on ways to save water:

Take showers rather than baths. Showers use about a third as much water.
Take shorter showers.
Avoid leaving the water running while shaving and brushing teeth.
Don't use the toilet as a trash can.
Use the dishwasher and washing machine only with full loads.
Don't run water continuously for vegetable and dish washing.
Water lawns in the morning to avoid evaporation.
Keep grass at least two inches high to shade roots.
Use mulch or ground covering plants to prevent excessive evaporation.
Use waste water from the house to water your garden.
Plant native or drought tolerant plants.
Water trees slowly, deeply and infrequently to encourage deep rooting. A slow drip for an hour once a week should be sufficient for most trees.
Use a broom rather than the hose to clean off walkways, patios and other outdoor areas.
When washing your car, use a bucket of water or a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle instead of letting the hose run.
What You Should Know About Recycling
Americans are recycling more than ever before, and with good reason. Recycling saves energy, natural resources and landfill space.

Aluminum is a material for which a strong recycling market exists. Recycling aluminum cans saves 95 percent of the energy that it takes to manufacture a new can. Throwing away a 12-ounce can is the energy equivalent of throwing away six ounces of gasoline. Aluminum cans are just one example of how important recycling is. Recycling of newspapers, used motor oil, non-aluminum beverage containers and yard clippings is equally important to our environment and our economy.

Recycling is truly a cause in which every individual makes a great difference. The way you shop for, use and dispose of the products that you buy seriously affects the environment. So, purchase and consume according to the 3 "R"s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Reduce the amount of garbage you generate by buying and using products wisely:

"Precycle" by purchasing products in recyclable containers.
Purchase foods in bulk or concentrate.
Avoid products that are neither reusable nor easily recyclable.
At work, make two-sided photocopies.
Use cloth towels in the kitchen rather than paper towels.
Stop unwanted junk mail by removing your name from mailing lists.
Reuse product whenever possible:

Start a compost pile with your leaves and grass clippings.
Leave a coffee mug or two at work and avoid using disposable cups.
Use blank back sides of used paper for scratch work.
Look into purchasing quality used items instead of new ones.
Take your grocery bags back to the market and reuse them.
Mend clothes and repair broken items.
Take care of your belongings to help them last longer. In particular, try to keep your car on a regular maintenance and tune-up schedule.
Use products that are made to be reused, such as cloth towels, sponges, glass dishes and metal eating utensils (rather than paper and plastic), rechargeable batteries, etc.
Drop off your used motor oil, antifreeze, and car batteries at places that recycle automotive wastes.
Donate clothing, books, toys, appliances and furniture to charitable organizations.

air conditioner filters

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When the summer months roll around many of us look forward to having our homes cooled down by using air conditioners. There are many types of air conditioners that we can purchase and use. Now even though we trust on air conditioners to keep us cool these machines need to be cleaned every so often. By seeing to the conditioner of your air conditioner filters you can get fresh air rolling close to your homes. Each type of air conditioners is dissimilar but they all execute the same role which is to cool our inside environment. They do this by delivery the warm air that already exists in our surroundings inside of the air conditioner filters work to separate the dust, dirt and pollen from that air. The freshly refined air is cooled and then pushed back out into our homes and offices.

The filters which are in the air conditioners prevents the dust and pollens that are floating about our homes and working places from returning to the outer environment and causing various allergies to begin. To get the best use from your air conditioner it is a good idea to have you air conditioner filters cleansed just before the summer season starts. This way you will have a smoothen and effective workings air conditioner.

There are many uses for an air conditioner to do besides that of holding a room or house cool. Now we want air conditioners that provide some eccentric of health protection. To help figure out these concerns dissimilar types of air conditioners now have air purifying systems installed along with the air conditioner filters.

This case of air purifier brings pestiferous air into the air conditioner and traps the various substances like darling hairs, pollen and debris in the purifier. The air conditioner filters work by ensuring that diverse fine particles that may have escaped from the purifier are caught by these filters and they can’t get released back into our homes.

Since these systems help to care for our health many types of air borne viruses and contaminants don’t have anyplace that they can stay and multiply in. Therefore many companies have combined the functions of these two air purifier and air conditioners filters together.

For this conclude many times we now look for an air conditioner that will provide for our health by removing harmful substances and allergy causation stuff from our work places and homes. The air conditioner filters are now combined with an air purifier to give us this safe feature that we hope and look for.

How To Properly Insulate Your Home

Most modern homes are insulated well, but some older homes could stand to have some additional insulation put in. The only way to figure out if you need more insulation is to find out what the recommended R-values for insulation are in your area. They vary from region to region. Then you will want to check the amount of insulation you have in your attic and basement or crawl space to see if it matches the recommended levels of insulation.

There are various types of insulation you can buy: blankets, batts, and loose cellulose insulation. They all are good for different situations. In the attic you can use any one of these types of insulations. Blankets can be used in the attic as well. For walls, loose cellulose is often used by blowing it into the wall spaces. In the basement, you might want to try putting batts in between the floor joists and along the walls.

Try to keep a good amount of ventilation in the attic and crawl space. You don't want to over-insulate the space. If you don't leave enough air space for insulation, warm air can rise in the winter and condense in your attic into moisture where it will end up trapped by too much insulation. This can cause rotting. The same is true about the basement, if you have too much insulation water can be trapped and cause rotting. You should try to keep the insulation away from any metal flues or recessed light fixtures. Try to also keep it away from masonry chimneys.

For safety reasons, you should handle the fiberglass insulation with gloves, goggles, and a respirator on. This may seem like overkill but you don't want the fiberglass particles getting into your lungs. Over the years, health concerns from breathing in fiberglass fibers has increased and should be taken into consideration when installing your own insulation.

When insulation your home, don't forget your windows. They should be weather-stripped to keep drafts from reducing the energy efficiency of the house. In addition, if you see any area that has cracks, try to caulk them up. If you have enough money and want to invest in double-glazed windows, these help to insulate the home against heat loss from the windows.

Insulating your home is not a difficult task. There are many different people who can help you get the information you need from R-values for your area to the types of insulation best suited for you job. As always, take your own personal safety into account when choosing to install the material. Try to follow the manufacturer's directions and keep the ventilation clear so that moisture does not accumulate and cause rot. After you have finished insulating the basement and attic, take a look at your windows and doors and see where some additional weather-stripping might help. If you're still not happy with the warmth of your home, then think about installing double-glazed windows for added insulation value and home efficiency.

Create a Feel Good Home and Keep Your Life On Track

I'm not getting all Martha Stewart on you. But, if you want to get, and keep, your life on track, you need a home base that feels good and inspires you; body, mind and spirit.

What does your home say about the life you are creating? Take a look around. Does it feel unclear, without direction and a little drab? Is it stuck in the past? Or, is it fresh, inviting and purposeful? Does everything have a place? Are there well appointed places to relax, entertain, take action and connect?

Your house, given the chance, has the power to lift you up. It can also serve as a powerful anchor; a visual reminder of the life you want and are creating.

Think of your home as a big energy field. Like all things, everything in your home vibrates energy. Some of this energy will feel good to you and some of it will feel bad. For example: clutter. How does it make you feel when you see a room full of clutter? Zapped, right? Clutter drains energy for lots of reasons; it represents an unfinished job, old stuff and the past. It reflects indecision and holding on.

On the other hand, how does a clean, uncluttered room feel? Ahhh... fresh, open, alive. An uncluttered room feels purposeful. It also represents "space". And in that space new has a place to enter.

The key to creating a "feel good home" is to remove what feels bad and add what feels good.

The following tips will get you started.

1. Simplify

Clear the clutter. Remove the old, broken and out of date. An easy rule of thumb to follow is to get rid of anything you haven't used in the last six months. Attack each room and divide the things in it into three categories; keep, donate and trash. Simplify your home every six months.

2. Refresh

Nothing feels better than a fresh coat of paint on lifeless, dingy walls. Paint, clean your carpets. Heck, CLEAN! Open the windows. Shake out the rugs. Replace the furnace and air filters. Have your vents cleaned.

3. Go Natural

Let some fresh air in. Buy fresh flowers. Get a few house plants. Surround yourself with the colors of nature; green, sand, ocean blue. If you can afford it, replace flooring with natural wood or stone. Get a water fountain for the corner of a room.

4. Go Light

Open the blinds or drapes. Paint the walls in lighter shades. Cover the windows in sheers to let in diffused, yet natural light.

5. Add Inspiration

Add inspiring works of art. It doesn't need to cost a lot. Go to your local museum store and buy postcards and have them matted and framed. Check out local galleries for pieces made my local artists. Decorate an area in your house with reminders of the life you are creating. (Remember, for every new piece you bring in, get rid of something old!)

A final word: sometimes we don't give ourselves permission to have the kind of home we really want. We hold back and come up with excuses why we shouldn't spend the money or time. If that's the case, how do your feelings about your home mirror the feelings you have about other areas of your life?

If you feel like you don't deserve the home of your dreams, could it be at a deep level you feel like you don't deserve the life of your dreams?

Investing in your home is an investment in your dreams. If you create a home environment you love and that makes you feel good, it will inspire you to create beauty in all parts of your life.

You don't have to spend a lot of money; you just have to look at your home consciously. You get to choose what you surround yourself with. Make it all feel good!

Your home, given a chance, has the power to lift you up. Let your home help you create the life you really want.

Win-Win Problem Solving

Do you feel frustrated because you seem to be struggling with the same nagging issues with yourself and others? Are you ready to solve your problems with win-win solutions?

As a practicing Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist, I have discovered that most of my clients' problems were unresolved for a very long period of time. Many individuals had been suffering for over twenty years with the same issue. Often couples were fighting repeatedly over the identical problem for at least thirty years, most of their married life.

How unfortunate it is that we are not taught how to communicate, and how to resolve our issues. Being human, it is normal and expected to have problems. The healthy person and couple are not problem free. However, they are successful because they know how to identify their issues, and how to resolve them.

The following guidelines can help you solve your problems so that you can function in a healthier way, learn from your conflicts, and be in harmony with yourself and others.

1. Understand that you can only solve problems when you are in your logical mode (left brain).

2. Begin by expressing all of your emotions by yourself in a constructive way. For example, if you are angry, you can release your feelings by writing them down, yelling into a pillow, taking a walk, or listening to relaxing music.

3. When you feel calm and clear about the problem, write it down as a question. For example, "How can I have enough time for myself?"

4. Then write down all of the possible answers to your question. Let your creativity and sense of humor help you. Sometimes the most outrageous ideas become the best solutions. You may even want to ask a friend to assist you.

For example: get up earlier, limit my organizational commitments, plan at least two evenings at home, fill in my alone time in my appointment book before I schedule anything else, plan a week-end away every month, say "no" to people without feeling guilty.

5. Now cross off any ideas that you are not willing to accept. Be honest and patient with yourself. You may find that you can only change one or two things at a time, especially if you have been struggling with this issue for awhile.

6. Look at the remaining solutions and work out the specific details necessary to carry them out. For example, decide which outside commitments you need to let go of, and who you need to say "No" to. Then plan when and how you will address these people.

7. In order to help you change your behavior patterns, it can be helpful to close your eyes and to visualize yourself spending more time alone, and doing what you want to do.

8. Writing positive thoughts can help you affirm your new patterns. Continue to write, say, sing, or read them until you have integrated your new belief or pattern.

Some examples are: "I, (your name), am spending more time by myself and people accept me. I, (your name), am saying ‘no' to other people and I am okay. I, (your name), realize that I need more alone time so that I can rest and rejuvenate, which is a gift to myself and others."

9. Reward yourself for being willing to solve your problem. You deserve it!

In order to solve a conflict with another person, follow the same outline. Be sure that you do not make comments to each other during the brainstorming (#4), so that your creativity will not be stifled. It is also important not to react in any way if either one of you crosses off an idea (#5) that you do not like. Remember that you both have to be able to live with the solutions in order for them to work. Strive only for win-win solutions and you will be successful.

If you do not come to an acceptable agreement, or you still feel upset with yourself or another, then you have probably not worked on the real issue. Explore the actual problem and then begin the process again.

This technique can be used successfully with anyone, including your family members, friends, managers, fellow employees, and neighbors.

As we solve our issues with ourselves and with the people in our lives, we can be happier, healthier, and more successful. When we can solve our conflicts with win-win solutions with other countries, what a peaceful world this will be.

How God wired Him So You Can Enjoy Your Relationships With Him

When it comes to men it can be harder for you to accept them the way god made them, but you have to consider that God made man in hopes to have some love and light in his world. Men are just as special as women and are considered to hold some of the most important roles in the world.

There was never been a women president for the US, have you ever asked yourself why? Guys are clutch players. They can take the pressure and make it all they can. Women however, they tend to get flustered. They pull through, but they panic.

Guys have a natural calmness, even though most of them can panic at a pin drop, but most of the time, they are the rock that they are considered to be. What you need to do is accept him just as much as he has accepted you and just as God has accepted man.

1) Men and Women think very differently.

Women tend to think with their heart and men are more logical. You can persuade women by touching her emotions; however, if the facts do not add up you cannot persuade a man. That is the greatest thing about a guy taking a guy to pick out a good car or home, because you never can persuade a man with emotion or such.

2) The way that men and women talk.

Men tend to talk aggressively and to the point. They do not get you all the facts, but just enough to give you an idea of what has happened. They also do not bore you with long and drawn out stories. Women on the other hand tend to talk your ear off about the small details. Men also tend to look at things in a different light. They tend to look at things in the whole picture and not the tiny little details. Men are not interested in the details, but they are interested in the outcome.

3) The way that men and women react

Men and women not only talk and think differently, but they tend to react to things differently as well. Men can be aggressive. They can be aggressive in the way that they talk, the way that they walk, and the way that they react to others.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, but they are a little bit rougher in their responses. Men are also brutally honest at times. If you do not want to hear the truth, you should never ask your boyfriend, but your friend for the answer. They will say what they think or feel without any concern for others; because they feel that the truth is always best. Women tend to think that this is rude, but men just think that being honest is right. They also aren't so eager to give out sympathy if you don't deserve it. They aren't going to baby someone who doesn't deserve it. This is just one of the aspects of their personality that women see as being cold, but again, they see it as being honest. There are lots of things that men do that women tend to confuse, but you have to learn how to appreciate your man for who he is and talk to him with understanding.

4) Working out a relationship.

For a relationship to work out you have to mutually respect each other. You will find that you will need to understand each other and appreciate each other for the way the both of you are. Love tends to be very strong willed. You will also find that your relationship with each other may need more than just love. You need to have respect, understanding, and acceptance to make a go at the relationship.

With the respect for each other, you should be able to work on your relationship and you will be able to speak openly about your feelings. You will be able to communicate to each other and your relationship will be stronger than ever. You will be able to have a good, solid relationship once you are able to understand each other. You have to accept each other to want to be in a relationship, but for a real relationship you have to learn how to relate and understand each other or the bond is superficial.

If you really want to get to know your boyfriend or husband you may want to ask to do some of the things that he wants to do. Eat things that he likes, and even talk about how he feels in the relationship. It isn't always about what you want in the relationship, but what he wants out of the relationship as well. You will want to take some of these steps so that you can become closer than ever.

Ceiling Fans Are Becoming Very Popular

There are a few reasons to install a ceiling fan in your house. Ceiling fan companies realize this and provide the consumer with numerous accessories and parts to help install a ceiling fan in a number of locations. A Complete manual on how to install a Ceiling Fan may take more than just an article; it may all even take up an entire booklet. Take into account that if you employ a professional to install it, you will be paying extra cash.

Room size dictates the fan best suited but as a basic rule of thumb most rooms can accommodate a 50" or 52" size fan, consequently all manufacturers make their most popular styles in this size. Today there are so many choices of blades and you can choose between size, the color or style. Knowing the size of the room is important so you can pick the right size of fan. What size fan is needed for a particular room? The most common size by far is the 52" fan, which is typically appropriate for most rooms.

Weights are included which allow you to perfectly balance your blades to eliminate wobbling. Ideally you want a clearance of approximately 7 to 8 feet from the ceiling fan blades to the floor.

The standards for ceiling fans are really non existent, the length of blades will vary depending on the brand your purchase. The more the number of the blades, the costlier is the fan. When choosing a ceiling fan many people believe that the more blades you have will give you better circulation in the room.

When installing ceiling fans you need to measure to make sure the blades have room to rotate, to the height of the blades will need to be 8 feet from the ground. Many ceiling fans come with all the fittings tucked and hidden under the blades so they are not seen.

When wiring the fan make sure that all connections are tight, use wire nuts to do, there should be no wires showing, since this will be dangerous. Most homes today come with 12 or 14 gauges copper wire which is attached an amp which is 15 to 20. When preparing to install the ceiling fan make sure you are prepared with the proper tools, many instructions let you know what tools are necessary, screw drivers, circuit testers, drill, ladder and pliers.

If all the above is taken into consideration you will enjoy years of increased comfort and energy savings with your new ceiling fan. Ceiling fans can reduce your energy bills up to 40% in the summer and 10% in the winter. All ceiling fans are now energy efficient, but all fans are not created equally all have different efficiency rating.

The fans today come with an Energy Star rating, try to find the best energy rating you can, this will save the amount of electric you use.

Light on a ceiling fan can be useful in bedrooms, home theatres, and any other location it is beneficial to adjust the fan and lights without having to get up and operate a wall switch or pull cord. Many light packages have stems or branches which are adjustable and these lights have the ability to be pointed to any position. Many fan lights come in a covered bowl configuration, the bulbs are hidden by the bowl, the bowl can be removed to change the light bulbs. Some even have fitters that you can mount lights from.

5 Tips For A Great Family Vacation

Family vacations, whether they’re spent at a campground, a hotel, in the mountains or on a beach, are a great way to spend quality time away from home relaxing with your loved ones. If you’ll be spending your much-needed vacation with your immediate family or even with extended family for a larger, intergenerational event, having a creative, organized plan will make your trip a memorable success.

Use the following five helpful tips to have a vacation that the whole family will talk about for years to come.

Make a List, Check it Thrice
While over packing can have its own host of problems, not packing enough or forgetting some of the essentials can be much worse. Consider making a list and following it closely to be your best defense against forgetting something important. With all the hustle and bustle that often comes along with preparing for a vacation, without that list it’s pretty much a guarantee that you’ll forget something.

You can certainly have more than one list to make things even easier, one for items to pack, one for things to buy, and one for the actual vacation complete with itineraries and things that are an absolute must to remember like medications.

Stay Close to Your Regular Schedule
Children, especially younger ones, can be greatly affected by changes in their routine. Whether it’s their sleeping schedules or eating habits, they’ll feel more secure, and also be more likely to behave, if the regularity of home still applies on the road. If possible, try to keep bedtime relatively close to the normal time for youngsters, within reason, of course, after all it is vacation!

Creatively Capture Memories
While nearly everyone brings a camera along on their vacation (check your list), there are several other ways of capturing your special memories. The prices of camcorders have dropped greatly as of late as technology continues to reinvent itself, but if they’re not an option, consider renting one or borrowing from a friend.

It’s also fun to give the kids their own disposable cameras so they can capture favorite parts of their vacation. Voice activated tape recorders make great gadgets to take along on a family vacation to record candid moments that can be saved for generations to come.

Another keepsake to treasure from your time together would be artwork done by the kids. Give each child their own set of “art supplies” so that they can convey their thoughts or memories of the vacation. They could draw something they saw at the beach, or a certain ride in an amusement park, or a picture of a new friend they met on the trip. Whatever it may be, imagine what fun it will be years later get them out and reminisce about your times together.

Play the Waiting Game
Unfortunately when traveling using just about any mode of transportation, chances are you’ll be doing some waiting and will be delayed at some point for one reason or another. By staying positive and having a sense of humor you’ll realize that getting there really is half the fun!

For each child, or vacationer, prepare a personalized vacation survival kit to pass the time. These can include snacks, books, comic books, coloring books and crayons, hand-held video games, and pens and notebooks as travel journals for the older kids.

Music to Soothe the Savage Beast(s)
The chances that everyone in the family enjoys the same music are usually very slim. If they don’t already have one, consider buying the kids their own portable CD players with headphones. Most kids will be satisfied with a ten dollar set that will serve a great purpose and get a lot of use. In the months prior to your vacation have your children compile a list of their favorite songs or groups to make personalized CDs to go along with their new players.

Facts And Thoughts About Depression And ADHD In Children

ADHD means Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and it’s a condition that appears in some children and might affect their childhood, and even a large part of their life. The main thing that this syndrome does is that it doesn’t allow children to pay attention to what’s happening around them, or sometimes it is manifested by not being able to control their behaviors.

Another good to know fact is that many children seem to have this syndrome around the world. Studies show that 1 out of 30 children are likely to have the adhd syndrome. Depression has an important role in everybody’s life, but the question that many doctors ask themselves is - what is the result of depression and adhd in children and how does this depression and adhd in children affect them.

Depression and anxiety

Some of the children with ADHD also suffer from depression and anxiety, luckily there are methods to cure this, and if this is done in time by the children’s parents, or by specialists, their lives improve vastly. There are treatments that will allow the children to concentrate better and to behave better with more complex tasks, like the ones used in schools, for example.

Another important stage in the lives of the children with ADHD is the bipolar disorder, which is different from the depression and adhd in children. This is characterized as moments of intense highs and lows, throughout different periods, and these moments behave almost like in a cycle that comes back regularly, thus affecting their moods.

Fortunately, there is a possibility to treat depression and adhd in children. But every treatment depends on the child, his or her family and the recommendations of their doctor. There have been a different set of complex studies on the condition, the most known and the most comprehensive is the study made by the National Institute of Mental Health and is known as the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Our Conclusion

The treatment is made by different people representing the medical staff. All are doing a part of the job, and together, along with the family of the children, are completing the treatment trying to find more effective and more fast and secure ways for the treatment of depression and adhd in children. There is always hope in life, just as there is with this particular condition, if your child suffers from such a disorder, you are not the only one in this position and there are people out there willing to help.

Chinese Astrology Revealed Using Four Pillars of Destiny Method

One of the oldest forms of astrology is the type practiced by the Chinese that stretches back for many centuries. Chinese Astrology is extremely complex and difficult for the normal person to grasp deeply. Therefore most people simply focus on the characteristics of the animals in the Chinese Zodiac based on one's birth year. The twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac are, in order, the rat or mouse, the ox or cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep or lamb, monkey, rooster or chicken, dog, and pig. But a Chinese Astrology reading conducted by an expert would go much deeper than explaining the traits of animal and delve into one's birth month, day, and hour.

In fact, the most popular form of Chinese Astrology readings are based on the Four Pillars of Destiny. The Four Pillars of Destiny originated and was popularized during the Tang Dynasty in China. It focused on leveraging a person's Chinese Zodiac for the core of the reading. Then a significant evolution occured during the Song Dynasty that uses the day stem instead of the year branch in predicting a person's fortune, health, wealth, life, and marriage. Today, the modifications that the Song Dynasty applied to Chinese Astrology is the foundation of the Four Pillars approach for the Chinese.

As one can imagine, a reading that applies the Four Pillars of Destiny method that takes into account birth hour, day, month, and year is much more detailed and accurate than a generic reading based solely on birth year. Yet it is this same daunting level of complexity that prevents the general populace from grasping and embracing the intricacies of the Four Pillars of Destiny method. Next time, learn to look beyond the basic rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig of the Chinese Zodiac when understanding one's true Chinese Astrology reading and fate.

The Role of the Five Elements in Chinese Astrology and Chinese Zodiac

For a Chinese Astrology reading, people generally know about the Chinese Zodiac which is comprised of twelve animals, the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. What most people do not know is that there are also five elements in Chinese Astrology which are wood, fire, earth, metal, water. When the elements and zodiac animal signs are combined, then the accuracy and richness of a Chinese Astrology reading increases substantially.

In Chinese Astrology, the relationship between the five common elements seen on earth are fundamental and intricate. As on earth, each element is dependent on another element yet can trump and be trumped by another element. Together, the five elements of the Chinese Zodiac form a fluid and nurturing environment with each element of similar strength.

For example, metal can contain water; water fosters the growth of trees which is wood; wood is the fuel for fire; fire burns out to leave ashes which return to the earth; and earth is compressed over time to create metal. So there is a cyclical and rationale approach for this balanced philosophy for the elements in Chinese Astrology.

These five elements are also paired with the Chinese animal in the zodiac. Therefore, one could be a born in the year of the pig and fire, creating a "fire pig" like the year 2007. Or one could be born in the year of the "water dragon." It is by understanding these subtleties that one can begin to truly grasp the implications of their birth year on their future fame, fortune, and destiny in Chinese Astrology readings.

Patio-Scenes by Create My Scene

They are everywhere in Florida. You can find them on the back-side of houses all across the bay area. They come in all shapes and sizes, but with one common element—no privacy for the home owner.

That is until Create My Scene, a Tampa based company, introduced their latest product. The company produces scenic screens that are installed in place of the ancient black mesh that is commonly used on screen enclosures.

Patio-scenes enable the customer to enjoy scenes of beaches, mountains, forests, sunsets, and many other scenic screen designs. Create My Scene offers hundreds of images to choose from. In fact, the customer can even provide his or her own image, as long as they have a high resolution copy. The image is digitally printed directly onto a mesh that is stronger than standard screen and proven to last longer: 7 to 10 years.

These scenic screens allow homeowners to gaze out to white sandy shores, crystal clear water, and relaxing palm trees instead of staring at unexciting views such as their neighbor’s tool shed and a/c unit. And that’s not the only benefit.

Patio-scenes also provide privacy, which makes it harder for others to see in. This is a solution to a long time problem with homes built in close quarters. Many homes have small yards and/or close views of their neighbors’ property. This product provides partial privacy from either side. It is thicker than standard screen, but it still allows sunlight and air to pass thru. From the back side, the scenes are a plain metallic white color. Home owners associations are quick to approve because of the scene’s subtle appearance from the outside.

There are plenty of examples of the scenic screens at The website is an extensive resource that includes many of the company’s other products which include decorative wall coverings and decorative window film—also known as Wall-Scenes and Window-Scenes respectively. Customers can sift through all of the available photos which range from golf courses to waterfalls to city skylines. It’s also a great tool for creative brainstorming. There are tons of pictures of completed projects that are sure to spark new ideas. The company allows visitors to take ownership of their vision and truly, Create their own Scene.

Dealing With Children After Your Divorce

Although any divorce is an extremely sad, emotional time for all persons involved, when there are children involved, a divorce can create enormous instability and confusion, and can have very destructive consequences. In a family situation that includes children, the children are often present during arguments and the messy side of divorce, they become stuck in the middle, sometimes the focus of the emotional. While some couples manage to remain civilized during divorce, many will include times of intense screaming, yelling, accusations, slamming doors, and so on, all while the children sit there and watch.

The affect divorce has on children is massive, no matter their age and maturity levels. If you or someone close to you is going through a divorce where children are involved, it is important to be aware of the huge emotional and lifestyle shock these children are going through. These children are losing their stability, their home-security, their lifestyle, and often their home. In many cases, one half of the family unit move to a new neighborhood, city or state, where they have to pull themselves together and rebuild there lives, all with the thought of the divorce situation weighing heavily on their mind.

When dealing with divorce, it is absolutely imperative that both parents put their differences and current situation aside and ensure the children receive the unconditional love and support they need. Children affected by divorce need to be reassured that they did not do anything to cause the situation, that they are not to blame for the divorce. Younger children generally won't have a full grasp of what's going on, they will simply come to realize that mum and dad no longer seem to be present at the same time. Older children will be much more aware of what's going on, and what has been said between the parents. Naturally, older children may be more emotionally interrupted in the time immediately after the divorce. If your divorce leads to a single parent having custody over the children, it is vital to put all hard feelings aside, and take all possible steps to ensure all children, no matter their age, have the opportunity to spend quality time with both parents.

A common scenario is to have the non-custodial parent to have the children over the weekend for three weeks of the month and then for 1-3 weeks over holidays. This is a good way to ensure your children stay in regular contact with both parents and have a good amount of time to spend with the non-custodial parent over holidays. It is always good to be able to arrange a custody schedule outside of the court. Keep in mind that even though you may be able to 'win' in court, the emotional damage to your children can be devastating. Your goal should never be to make the other person pay by depriving them of there children. Unless abuse or other special circumstances are involved, your ex-partner has a right to be part of their child’s life, and your child has the right to learn from and live with both parents.

The key to dealing with children post-divorce is that both parents need to put their personal feelings aside and focus on the well being of the children, to act maturely and make decisions regarding children with a clear head. If disagreements arise, try to organize meetings at a time or location when the children will not be present. In saying this, there will be times when decisions are made requiring the input of the children. In these times, you need to set some rules that both parents will remain civil, avoid making digs at the other parent, and treat the situation with respect. This is easier said than done with the level of emotion involved in these family affairs, but you must remain focused on doing the best for your children, and remember that they will be finding the situation difficult enough, with out provocation by either parent.

In other words, divorced moms and dads need to interact like mature adults, reminding themselves that the children are innocent, and have the right to living in harmony with both parents. All children react to situations such as divorce in their own way, some children may understand the reasons for their parents divorce and be able to work through it without hassle. Some children will take divorce alot harder. It is not uncommon to see behavioral issues developing in some children, acting out is a natural instinct and needs to be dealt with with understanding and patience. Dealing with these issues can be extremely difficult for divorced parents, it often means working together, finding a middle ground, and spending time with the child discussing their thoughts and feelings on the situation and what steps should be taken. This will lead to times of strong emotion, it is the responsibility of the parents to keep a level head, be patient with the child and other parent, and provide a safe, secure environment to work through the issues. When parents start to loose their cool, the whole situation can start to fall apart leading to further disruption for your child and making it harder to reach a resolution.

It is common knowledge that children will often learn to manipulate their parents after a divorce, playing one parent off the other. Again, parents need to communicate even though they are no longer married. Talking to the other parent before taking any action will often expose the full situation, and provide a clear path of how to deal with it. In other words, even though you are no longer married, working as a team is still the best option, not for the marriage but for the children. While it may be very hurtful to discover how you're being manipulated by your own child, keep in mind that he or she is still developing and working through the lifestyle change. Be firm about what is expected of your children, but keep in mind the huge emotional and lifestyle effect your divorce has had.

Working through a divorce with children is by no means easy, getting to a point of stability will not happen overnight. In most cases, a tremendous amount of anger, disappointment, and hurt are involved, which are hard to work through. Counseling may be an option to help both parents and children get an outside perspective and gain direction. Although divorce creates many difficult emotions for parents, it all comes down to staying focused and determined to always to what's best for the children, the innocent by-standers. You are your children’s single biggest role-model and support, you need to keep in mind the difficulties your children are living through and let your child know that you are there for them 100% of the time.

Our Wacky, Scary World!

Could this world get any wackier? Do you sometimes wish you could live in a cave? I doubt it, but you have got to admit that it’s one way to protect your family from the predators and crooks who live amongst us all. Maybe if you owned your own island, perhaps that would keep them away from your loved ones. However, for 97% of the population, that is not a viable option.

You may not be the type of person who reads several newspapers a day. In fact, you may not even read a newspaper at all. You probably do not watch news channels all day long, or maybe you don’t even watch the news at all. Does this mean that you are immune from the violence that happens around you every minute of the day? Of course not!

Make sure that you do everything in your power to protect your family and your possessions! There are several very inexpensive home protection products that are designed to keep those scary people out of your home. Whether you consider door braces (a jam under the door knob or one that fits into a sliding glass door), window & door alarms, or a volumetric alarm which measures change in air pressure, I’m sure it will be some of the best money that you have ever spent. Some alarms are portable and offer protection while traveling for business or vacation, also.

Okay, what if these crooks still manage to break into your home? The Chicago Crime Commission states that a burglar spends an average of 8 minutes in the victim’s home. So what if you hide your valuables in plain sight and put the odds back in your favor? Diversion safes have improved quite a bit in the last few years and are now more realistic than ever. These are hollowed shells of popular household products, personal care items, and food containers with removable tops and bottoms. They are weighted to feel like the “real product” & would fool anyone. Just fill them with your possessions and put them in their “rightful place”.

Yes, the world continues to get scarier, and the criminals persist and remain constant threats to all of us. Most of us don’t live in a cave, or have our own island, so we have got to be one step ahead of these “piranhas” at all times if we are to protect our most important assets. Spending a few dollars now could save a lot of heartache in the future.

The Modern Soft Yellow Banana Evolved From The Cooking Banana As The Number One Fruit In The World

The early Spanish explorers introduced banana plants into America from Spain as a hardcore, large cooking banana, known as a Plantain banana. The amazing yellow fresh eating banana, that we know today sold by supermarkets, resulted from a mutation from the hardcore tissues of the parent plantain banana plant, that was then growing in Jamaica. Mr. Jean Francois Poujot, in the year 1836, a Jamaican farmer, found in his banana plantain orchard a banana plant that produced soft, sweet, tasty banana fruit with a yellow colored skin; a large commercial improvement over the plantain banana tree that grew green bananas with hardcore tissue – virtually inedible unless cooked. Hundreds of cultivars of this banana mutation have evolved to give the world the greatest food breakthrough in human history to supply the world with the number one fruit grown to feed earth's population – the modern yellow banana.

Not only is the modern yellow banana sweet to taste, but it is easy to grow and keeps well for extended periods at a relatively low cost. The banana industry began from huge plantations established in the Bahamas and Central and South America. The banana tree cultivation is inexpensive because of the ability of the mother plant to constantly divide into fast growing new trees. The labor cost is cheap for growing bananas in these third world countries, and shipping costs of barge transports is inexpensive to America and European markets.

Banana trees are viewed as tropical plants by most observers, however, in recent years the plants have survived in States further and further North. The lush green leaves of the banana tree are frozen in Winter, and in some cases the entire stalk of the tree is frozen, but the underground shoots will arise vigorously in the Spring to produce new banana trees. In some cases, a banana sprout may grow into a mature tree during a 6 month period to produce an amazing tree; twenty feet tall and one foot in diameter, weighing several hundred pounds. This tree can also produce up to 15 daughter, offset banana plants, each capable of growing into mature trees the first season. Even though some banana trees exhibit striking cold hardy qualities, most cultivars are tropical in nature, and will not survive freezing winter temperatures, however, some banana cultivars are very resilient and can surge from a Winter deep freeze to grow into a mature banana tree with giant clusters of bananas, delicious to the taste. Such a banana was discovered growing in Wichita Falls, TX, that survived the fabled freeze of 1983 – 84 of minus 16 degrees F. to regrow and produce a crop of bananas the following year. This extraordinary cold hardy banana was named 'Texas Star' Banana and can be purchased to buy from certain Internet mail order sources. Many of the cold hardy fruiting banana plants appear to have originated growing on the banks of a river in an area of Venezuela and Brazil, where the Orinoco River flows. These banana cultivars are collectively known as "Orinoco Bananas."

Another remarkable quality of the modern edible bananas is the seedless quality, however to be completely accurate, these bananas are not seedless, but they contain small black spots within the banana tissues that are edible and don't interfere with dentures and are tiny sterile seed. The wild banana cultivars are numerous, approaching 1000 in number, and many have colorful leaves that make certain cultivars highly desirable as ornamental landscape plants. The seed of the wild type banana plants will germinate to grow into new banana trees. One particular cultivar of the ornamental banana forms a large pseudo-trunk that appears similar to the trunk of a deleafed palm tree. This banana tree is called an "Ensete" banana, "Ensete ventricosiom 'Maurelii'. The leaves of this banana tree are very large with a bright, purple-red coloration that develops in the fall. The seed of a wild banana are noxious and the wild banana is unsuitable to eat as a food item – only to be grown as a dense privacy block or an ornamental landscape tree.

The growing point of a banana plant is in the center of the stalk, and the outer growth rings of the banana stalk are the oldest. In midsummer, if a banana stalk is decapitated, a gardener can see the amazing rapid growth rate for himself. After observing the decapitated banana tree for 24 hours, he can see a one foot shoot growing from the center, which rapidly will develop into new leaves. This banana decapitation often forces the banana tree to produce numerous daughter offset banana plants, or in some cases, the banana tree will be shocked into a fruiting progression that can result in fast ripening bananas, sweet to the taste.

If an orchard of banana trees is planted 4 feet apart in every direction in late Spring, the banana trees rapidly begin growing after a week of transplanting, and the roots spread aggressively outward from the mother banana plant, growing in lines like the alignment of spokes on a bicycle wheel. After a month or two of growing, the dense blocking shade of the banana leaves and the hostile dessication of moisture by the banana roots will eliminate any competitive growing of weeds or germinating seeds. The growth of the banana trees can be accelerated in several ways. The banana tree must be planted in full sun to generate the maximum photosynthetic component, chlorophyll. The most important growth promoter in banana trees is an abundant flooding of water beginning in late May and continuing until early Fall. During June and July, a banana tree can grow one foot in height every two days if daily, multiple applications of water are made. Fertilization is extremely important to the heavy feeding banana trees. For heavy applications of nitrogen, ammonium nitrate can be spread on the ground and watered-in each week. Potassium is very beneficial to banana trees by scattering 40% potash underneath the trees every two weeks. If the above fertilizer concentrates are not available, heavy applications of 10-10-10 is appropriate once each week. Banana plants appear to respond also to applications of magnesium sulfate 'Epsom Salts.' Most soils are excellent for growing banana trees, and the advice of some companies selling bananas that a gardener should plant banana trees in well drained soil is not true. Banana trees often grow on the edge of farm ponds, even spreading into the water sometimes, and along river banks.

Banana plants appear to be immune to most diseases and insect pests, however, during tobacco season in August, the tobacco worms seem to migrate after tobacco harvest toward any new leaf food opportunity, but the tobacco leaf worm is easily controlled by a light spraying of Malathion. Black nematodes can buildup in soils over the years to enter the roots of banana trees, but the nematode can be controlled by applications of Nemagon.

When a banana tree begins to fruit, a small sword shaped (rogue) leaf appears at the top of the tree, followed by a unique flower. The banana flowers are dropped each day during the fruit development, and small bananas are initiated in groups called "hands." A mature bunch of bananas can contain as many as 12 hands of bananas that can weigh 80 pounds. To fully ripen, the bunch of bananas is cut from the tree and placed commercially into a dark room and exposed to ethylene gas, a ripening agent that is given off from the fruit as it ripens.

For a banana plant to mature properly in one season, it is better to plant large field grown banana trees rather than tiny 6 inch pot banana plants that were grown through tissue culture. There is some debate that tissue grown banana trees have 'run out', a condition unfortunately prevalent in horticultural crops reproduced vegetatively such as strawberry, raspberry, and blackberry plants and many others. The commercial demand for banana trees has been responsible for the rapid growth of tissue culture banana reproduction for the mail order plant business, that prefers selling small banana plants, easily boxed and avoiding the high shipping costs of field grown banana trees.

Cold hardy banana trees have become a target by Northern gardeners to experiment with. New cultivars of cold hardy banana field grown trees can be easily grown in the northern states as an annual, and if properly stored during winter the banana tree will resurge in the Spring. Banana trees show the same cold hardy toleration in northern states as the fig tree. Plant banana trees for a tropical experience of gardening.

Breastfeeding : 12 keys to a happy experience

Breastfeeding is still the best way to feed a newborn. The breast milk’s composition is ideal for the growing needs of the baby and contains favorable amounts of nutrient to ensure a proper development of his brain. Breast milk also contains antibodies which can protect against benign and more serious infections.

Breastfeeding a newborn baby is not without its challenges and most nursing women will need the support of her environment. There are some proven tricks and tips that can help a new mother find her breastfeeding experience a more pleasant one.

1) Keeping the newborn baby close day and night will insure that the nursing mother will get accustomed to its schedule and will rapidly recognize its needs.
2) Being convinced that breastfeeding is a natural and very normal and easy process greatly helps. If a nursing mother feels she lacks the support she needs in her experience, she should discuss it further with her spouse and family. Joining a breastfeeding support group is also an invaluable resource.
3) Breastfeeding rapidly during the first hour after the birth reassures the baby that milk is readily available and that a loving mother is there for him.
4) Frequent feedings given whenever the baby shows signs of hunger is a very good way to ensure that baby is happy and that the milk production is stimulated.
5) Learning to decode the many moods of a newborn baby will help to recognize and differentiate between when he is tired than when he is hungry.
6) Avoiding to give formula milk for the first few weeks ensures that the milk production is well started and that baby really gets used to feeding at the breast.
7) Avoiding to give solid foods too early also ensures that baby will get most of his nutrients fro the breast milk, the best food for the first few months.
8) A calm mother has more ease breastfeeding. Staying away from unnecessary torments and endless discussions are best.
9) Slowing down and living at the new baby’s rhythm ensures that the milk production will always be sufficient. It is highly recommended to set aside the unnecessary tasks and tolerate a little more disorder in the house. Hiring temporary house help might be a solution.
10) Ensuring that the baby has a proper position when hatched-on to the breast will make his experience a comfortable one. A breastfeeding baby should have the entire nipple in the mouth and proper clearance of his breathing airways.
11) A breastfeeding mother should trust her capacities to feed her little baby. Getting out at least once per day will also help her to keep a good and happy mood.
12) Proper rest and sleep for the nursing mother is essential. She should also keep herself well-hydrated as breastfeeding requires a lot of fluid.

Accepting all the help that is offered is the main key to a successful breastfeeding experience. Often, the spouse or family is more than happy to take over the other chores the breastfeeding mother can delegate such as preparing meals or changing the baby’s diaper.

Buy The Bedroom Furniture That Is Right For You

If you are looking for classic furniture but with a specific touch of different culture combined with innovative design and high quality you will surely enjoy their modern bedroom furniture. You have to feel its grace, quality and presence for yourself. You don't have to sacrifice quality for affordability, or affordability for quality. Your bedroom is where you spend a lot of quality time. Many people have written guides on the different styles and shapes of beds.

If you know all the styles that are out there, you will be in a position to make a very educated decision. Your are able to get bedroom furniture in many different and available styles, some of the styles are Mexican, Santa Fe, Mission or Southwestern, these can be applied to dressers, beds, chests, armoires, and nightstands.

You can find bedroom furniture just about anywhere and many of the stores provide information about the furniture. If you re-decorator your room a lot then purchasing high quality furniture might not be good for you, cheap is probably the best choice.

You can also find beds that are carved, which are really great to own and they look great. You could also weigh the option of buying smaller beds to save money. Many people get confused when choosing the furniture, the different sizes of the mattress and the hardness and softness is sometimes confusing.

Beds are available in four standard sizes – king size, queen size, double and twin. When looking for beds it is best to choose the one that fits your sense of décor, color and style. Beds are available in different shapes, styles, and materials to suit varying needs.

For children you should find the furniture that has storage, this way you can hide the toys, CDs, books or any other thing you don't want in the open. Make sure the bedroom furniture has the ability store items. Kids toys and books need storage, so when choosing try to find something that handle this task.

As with all furniture, the design will cost more than anything else, so if you’re looking to buy something endorsed or created by a well-known designer, be prepared to pay for it. Many people try to purchase the cheapest furniture and mattress for their bedrooms but since you sleep and use your bedroom ever day you should purchase the highest quality you can. For instance, when they are little you might want to buy a toy box with it.

When purchasing furniture for your bedroom you can get it custom made and in any type of color or style. One of the main parts of bedroom set is chests, armoires, headboards, of course the beds, night stand and finally the dressers. If you are in the market for a high quality bedroom many people get their furniture custom made for durability.

Finding the right size night table is important; the reason for this is because you want to make sure you can fit clocks, lamps and photos on them. You can choose to match or have mismatched night tables which are becoming very popular.

Puzzles Will Help Advance Your Child

Do your children excel in school? Have they mastered the skills of their grades? Should they skip a level? If a child is out-performing other children, should they go forward in their schooling faster? These questions may be hard for a parent to answer.

However, according to child development experts, the answer is usually no. Too often parents are so flattered by their child's advanced skill level that they want to move them through school faster. This idea plays more toward the parent's sense of "raising their child right" than interest in the child's well-being in the long term. Unfortunately, quicker is not always better. A child may advance intellectually, but will remain on the same social level as his/her same-aged peers. Allowing them to stay in their grade will increase the opportunity to develop friendships and gain communication skills that will benefit them throughout their life. Children understand, communicate, and interact differently at each stage of development. Only with time can children polish those skills. Children also develop different interests as they age. There is a difference between children in 1st grade and second, although it might not be evident at first glance. Social interests also change as children improve physical skill. Fourth graders want to play with children who are at their same level of competency in games and activities. If a child moves through school quickly, they might struggle to develop friendships. Social interactions play a large part in a child's self-esteem and development. For these reasons it is in a child's best interest to stay at their grade level and instead be challenged with content appropriate for their age.

Helping a child to advance academically is a good thing, if it is done appropriately. If you have a first grader who consistently earns good marks in subtraction you may be tempted to move on to multiplication. A better choice is to expand their knowledge within the realm of subtraction. Numbers do not mean anything until they are applied to real life, situations, and problems. Advance the thinking within subtraction. This helps children not only increase their mathematical skills, but reach a deeper level of understanding. Multiple-step problems, word problems, and puzzles challenge different parts of the brain and increase comprehension. These exercises provokes deeper thought, and requires children to think in steps, expanding their understanding of what subtraction is. Because they will develop life skills they will be more useful as contributing adults to society. They can do more than just spit out numbers and facts, they can apply it. This is a powerful skill.

There are many puzzles that will challenge the advanced child. One example is Sudoku. There are many levels in the game and all ages can play. Other puzzles include: riddles, anagrams, doublets, picture puzzles, chess problems, math puzzles, and logic puzzles. Is one puzzle better than another? No. Puzzles should be geared toward the interest of the child. Tastes, skills and interests form at a remarkably early age. Use your child's interests to enlarge and expand their thinking. By cultivating interests and introducing puzzles your child will be successful academically and socially.

Breastfeeding : what to eat when nursing

Breastfeeding is a privileged time when a mother provides her nursing baby with the ideal food for its growth and development. Breast milk has the best nutritional elements to ensure the baby a healthy and happy growth. Breastfeeding also provides powerful antibodies to the newborn baby and lower its risks of serious infections.

A breastfeeding mother should always think of her needs as well as the needs of her baby. Even in the cases of a nursing mother suffering from deficiencies (such as anemia or calcium deficiency) her breast milk would be adequate and nourishing enough for the baby. The breastfeeding mother should take care of her needs so she can enjoy every moment spent with her new baby and not feel tired and drained by such a beautiful thing as breastfeeding.

The daily requirements of a nursing mother are about the same as for a pregnant mother. A breastfeeding mother should not undertake a diet low in calories as she may she very weak. A balanced eating schedule for a mother is to have three meals per day and two to three healthy snacks in between.

The diet of a breastfeeding mother should be generous in fruits, vegetables and food rich in proteins and fibers. The snacks have to be healthy and easy to carry around.

A nursing mother should also keep herself very well hydrated as her daily liquid needs are going to be important.

Breastfeeding mothers should avoid alcohol as it crosses into breast milk and can be transmitted to the baby. Other stimulants rich in caffeine such as chocolate, black sodas, coffee or tea should be taken in very moderate quantities if any a tall.

A breastfeeding mother also needs to choose quality fats in her diet such as fish and vegetable oils. Fatty acids are essential in the development of the baby’s brain and should be a part of a breastfeeding mother’s diet.

Some food can give breast milk a certain odor or taste that baby might not like. Whenever eating a new food, it is a good rule to take small or moderate quantities of it. If the breastfed baby gets irritable or has gas, the food should be avoided for a certain period and re-introduced in very small amount later in the nursing mother’s diet.

Overall, breastfeeding should be a fun experience and not a time of feeling deprived or restricted. Enjoying a healthy lifestyle by getting sufficient quality food, rest and being ell hydrated will ensure the both nursing mother and baby are happy and well

Sunshine and outdoor toys: a children’s recipe for summer fun

As the evenings get longer and the weather gets warmer, your little ones are going to want to be outside more often in order to enjoy the delights of the summer months. And why wouldn't you want them too? After all, months of being cooped up inside the house will have left them with an avid desire to explore every nook and cranny of the garden, while digging up all the worms they can find in the process!

But before their curiosity leads them so far as to put those worms in their mouths, make sure you invest in exciting outdoor toys and activities with which your children can play. For instance, why not buy or make a sandpit in which they can have fun and make sandcastles? Pair this with an inflatable outdoor paddling pool and you've got yourself a makeshift beach that your children will love - all within your own back garden!

For simultaneous outdoor fun and exercise, your kids will love having a trampoline to play on outdoors at every given opportunity. And there's no need to worry that your children might fall over and hurt themselves when you're not watching; many children's toy specialists and sports shops sell trampolines with safety surrounds, so you know they'll never be in danger of falling off.

Little girls will love having a play house to play in outside. In fact, Wendy houses can make fantastic locations for a doll's tea party or an excellent prop for an outside children's birthday bash - as well as remaining a perfect outdoor location to spark your child's imagination. In turn, little boys will love outdoor climbing frames, and whether your child pretends to be a pirate or simply wants to get some practice on the monkey bars in order to impress his friends in the park, outdoor climbing frames will be a dream come true!

Slides and swings can also make a world of difference to young children when they're playing outdoors - particularly if they have older siblings to help them on their way. Or, if you're looking for the ultimate in outdoor children's toys, get a bouncy castle - it's not just your children who'll love playing in your garden, but their friends too!

But whatever you're looking for in the way of children's toys this summer, make sure that fun is your first priority! Whether you buy your child a mini go-kart on a money-is-no-object budget, or you simply spend your time blowing bubbles with your little ones using the soapy mixture made in the kitchen, those leisurely summer evenings are sure to provide plenty of fun for all the family. Just don't forget the suntan lotion!

Change the World One Purchase at a Time

We've all done it. Groaned when we've had to pay the $30 dry cleaning tab, or moaned for having to pay cab fare, and cried when we made the check out to the housecleaner. It's hard not to. Living takes money, and watching it dribble out just hurts sometimes.

Most people look at spending in one way and one way only – what you get for what you spend. For example, you spend $50 and you get a comfy sweater. Spend $5 and get valet parking. You pay to get things you need, which is all well and good. Society really can't function any other way.

But you can. Looking at your spending habits in the traditional way can cause bitterness and other negative feelings occasionally. Yes, things do cost a lot, and they do add up. Sometimes it seems to go out as fast as you earn it, and for what? Food? Clothing? Pedicures?

Let's propose something radical. From this moment on, stop thinking about money in the traditional way. Let's not think about money and spending habits from the ‘ME' perspective alone. When your first instinct is to say ‘No, I don't really need that', try to stop doing the ‘responsible' thing and start sharing the wealth.

Take care of yourself as well as someone else in the process. That's the wonderful thing about spending. It affects not only you but someone else in a positive way.

Here's an example: You've had a long day at work, and before you go home to cook dinner and see your family you decide to treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure. It's a luxurious hour of silence and pampering, and the girl that helps you is sympathetic to your long day and works extra hard to make you feel special. You leave feeling refreshed and happy, and tip the girl $10.

So there's nothing unusual or different about this so far, right? Sure, you're out about $60, but look what you got! You got an hour of bliss and renewal, and you've got beautiful nails to boot. Well worth it.

Now, if on your way home you start to berate yourself for spending so much, this is where we're stopping. What you need to realize is that the experience you just had and the money you spent doesn't simply involve you anymore. That girl who worked so hard to make sure you were relaxed and happy, she's part of the picture too.

Look at it this way. By walking into the salon you helped her make money today. She probably has children of her own that will eat and wear clothes that you helped provide by going and getting pampered. Maybe the tip you gave her is going in the bank to help her go back to school to get a degree, or it's going to help her kids go to school some day.

It's such a simple concept, and yet almost no one stops and thinks about what their spending is doing for other people. You're helping others eat and survive with the money you spend. It's really quite amazing and wonderful. You have the power to do good with the money you spend. Think about it. Think about the possibilities.

Now, we're certainly not advocating you go out and do society a favor by maxing out your credit cards, but just by changing the way you look at your spending might make it a bit easier to get through the day. You are contributing to those around you with your buying power, especially if you shop locally and use small businesses for things you need.

You're helping others live and pursue their own dreams when you buy, and remembering this every day might just make you a bit happier yourself!

What is a Knitting Kit - and What is in One?

Ask avid knitters why you should learn their art and they'll usually answer that it's fun. The basic tools needed for knitting will allow you to create handmade knits for yourself and the people in your life. You can experience the joy of extending this personal touch of you, to the ones you knit for. Many knitters have created their own personal "tool chest" of knitting tools to carry around with them in a knitting kit so they can knit where ever they go.

Some of the tools that can be found in a small Knitting Kit include:

* Knitting Needles
* Yarn
* Crochet Hook
* Row counter

Knitting requires two needles. You begin by making a slip knot on one needle and "casting on" the number of stitches you need for the project. The basic stitches are created using both needles, wrapping the yarn over one needle and drawing the wrapped yarn through loops on the other needle.

There are different kinds of needles, like straight knitting needles, which come in aluminum, wood or plastic. The plastic needles can become brittle if not used for some period of time. Straight knitting needles come in a range of different lengths and sizes. It is useful to have a range of needle sizes so they can be changed to obtain the correct tension for the project being worked. Choose a length that will hold the stitches required for the project and that you feel comfortable working with. If possible buy a complete set of needles with a case to keep them in, so that you will always have on hand the right size required for any project.

Another type of knitting needle is the circular knitting needle. Circular needles are long, flexible needles with a point on each end. These circular needles are growing in popularity because they eliminate seams and the need to continually turn your knitting at the end of a row.

Knitting yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked fibers. This yarn can be made from any number of synthetic or natural fibers. Because of the differences in characteristics of yarns, the type of project will determine the type of knitting yarn. There are various kinds of knitting yarn available in the market like Wool, Angora, Silk, Cashmere and Vicuna.

Ragg knitting yarn, is a thick yarn made from one ply of shoddy and two plies of wool. It makes a great warm sock but a terrible lace tablecloth. Cobweb Shetland knitting yarn makes a flimsy Aran sweater but is perfect for an heirloom shawl. Wool yarn will drive an allergic person to insanity, but another may hate the feel of acrylics. Some natural fibers will felt and become weatherproof; others are poor insulation. Most yarn is made of plied material. A ply is a twisted strand. If the twist is a firm one, the yarn will be fine; if is too firm, the yarn "kinks." If the twist is loose, the yarn is soft, thick and less hardy.

The "Crochet Hook" has a notch at one end for catching loops of yarn and drawing them through stitches.

A row counter is used to count the number of rows that have been knitted. It is a cylinder with a numbered dial that is pushed onto the needle and is turned at the completion of each row. This is especially helpful when working long pattern repeats.

The knitting tools in a small knitting kit will help you create almost any beginners knitting project you care to start. Don't wait for the next winter. Go get your knitting kit started today, so that next holiday, or birthday you can gift all of your friends that personal touch of you.

You Can Have An Enjoyable Outdoor Grilling Event Even If There Are Many Children Attending

So you’ve decided to host this year’s summer barbeque. You’re going to have a lot of guests and maybe even your boss attending your outdoor grilling event. Naturally your guests will be bringing children. Here’s a few techniques that you can use to ensure that your barbeque is a success so that everyone leaves feeling happy, full and raving about the great meats that you grilled; instead of leaving grumpy and upset because of unruly children.

Your two main priorities when hosting a barbeque should be great food and great comfort. You probably already have your food perfected, but have you considered the comfort of your guests? You should find a shaded location and place comfortable chairs here for your guests to rest. Place a few citronella candles around the area to keep bugs and other pests away, and hang a few sticky flycatchers in the limbs surrounding the area. It’s virtually impossible to keep an outdoor area pest free, but you can eliminate a lot of the pests using the flycatchers and candles.

Inform any person under 18 that this private shaded area is for adults only, and that the children and teens should find somewhere else to play or gather. Your guests will thank you for it!

If you expect children at your barbeque, show a bit of courtesy for the children when it comes to serving alcoholic beverages. Keep the coolers with the beer and wine coolers in the house, so that little hands cannot grab a cold one. Have an adult watch over the brew, to ensure that mischievous teens cannot sneak a drink to their favorite hideaway. By keeping your alcoholic beverages away from the regular cold drinks like tea, soda and juice you do not have to worry about getting arrested for contributing to minors because some child or teen decided to try one just to see what it tastes like. You also keep the alcoholic drinks away from those who try to avoid them. This is not only polite, but also a very kind thing to do if you have guests who may be recovering alcoholics.

When it’s time to serve the food, you should keep things in order. Have other adults help you, and serve the children first. Adults will enjoy their meals more if the children are stuffing their mouths full of food instead of whining, “I’m hungry” as you try to fix plates for everyone at the same time. Feed the children first, so that they can eat and get back to their play so that the adults can enjoy their meals in peace.

Once everyone has eaten, everyone should enjoy desert together with hot coffee or tea. Children will eat forever if they have sweets around, so by serving desert last, after everyone has completed their meal, the children will know they should entertain themselves before gathering around for the sweet treats provided for desert.

If you have not asked for volunteers to help with the cleanup yet, then this would be a good time to do so. If there are a lot of children, then you can use desert as a reward for them helping with the cleanup. Let the children know that desert will be served to them, once all paper cups, plates napkins and other trash on the ground and tables is placed into trash bags. You’ll find that children will cleanup much faster when they see adults enjoying desert without them, and it teaches them that having fun sometimes involves working as well. This is a good thing for children to learn.

Above all, make the event an enjoyable experience for all. You can have a great event even when there are many children attending, you just have to make sure that everything is kept orderly when children of many families gather together. If you happen to have a spoiled brat attend, and if a parent gets upset because you have asked their child to clean, then just smile and ignore them. Stick to your rules, and you will find that the upset parent really only has two choices. Sit quietly as the children clean. Or the parent can prepare their child’s desert as the other children are cleaning. You can see who will end up looking unreasonable if that happens, and it won’t be you!

Safety Standards Change Each Year For Cribs

With expecting a new baby, make sure your coordinate the nursery colors and the crib plus make sure the crib meet all safety standards so you sleep at night without worrying. A crib needs to be safe and secure and so when you put the baby down you feel calm that your baby is in a safe and comfortable place. If you receive a crib from someone be grateful for it but make sure it is safe because the older it is the less safe it is.

In todays market there are so many different brands and they range in price, the most important thing you need to do before purchasing is to make sure it meets all safety requirements and standards. Most organizations concerned with baby furniture safety, insist that everyone purchases new beds or cribs, because as time goes on the safety requirements change over time and the older products do not meet the standards. Many doctors and people have advice on how to place your child in the baby crib, what position on the mattress, this changes every couple of years so make sure you talk to your doctor to find out what is the new approach. Are there safety standards for baby cribs? Baby cribs that are manufactured today have to meet minimum safety standards which are set by the Consumer Products Safety commission (CPSC). The bedding needs to comply with the standards set fourth, the bedding will need to hypoallergenic and the fabrics will need to be soft with a high thread count.

If you are purchasing a customized or an odd shaped crib you will need to order a special mattress that fits the crib and you also need to consider the sheets will need to be customized. Finding the proper height for the baby mattress is important because you will be the one putting the baby in and out and you don't want to strain yourself. Bounce it off the mattress to be certain it will hold its position. When using bumper pads or any type of pillow make sure they are placed on the edges so it only protects the baby from hitting the sides, if the have the ability to tie, tie them to the railing so they won't fall.

Normally selling for less than $200 for a four-piece set, it appears reasonably priced as compared to competing brands of crib bedding of similar quality and design. You not only want to create a comforting nursery with quality and durable bedding but you also desire to create a loving and peaceful atmosphere for your little one. As a mother to be you know how important it is to decide on the crib you desire for your baby’s nursery and of course the baby crib bedding sets that will adorn the crib.

Nurseries do not have to be filled with just color, you can decorate the nursery so you can present certain themes of learning so the baby will have hours of learning thru site recognition, sound and lights. Normally babies in their first year will sleep more than 72% of the time, so getting a good mattress is important so the infant or baby sleeps comfortably.

5 Things To Know When Making Clock Frets

Some of the techniques when cutting out fret patterns have always been the same techniques and methods used over the years when working with longcase clocks. I find them easy and most importantly faster when trying to make a living repairing or building new longcase clocks.

Having cut out hundreds of fret patterns when working on new and antique longcase clocks, I find the hardest part of making a fret is getting the perfect fret shape to fit the hood.


If you are working on an antique longcase clock and the fret is missing from the hood, the best way is the traditional way by using greaseproof paper and a wax crayon or soft leaded pencil. You can lay the greaseproof paper over the area where the old fret is missing and you can then rub the wax crayon over the fret shape, giving you the outer edge shape of the fret on the paper.


This is just a rough pattern at this point. Now transfer the shape of the fret onto a thin piece of card, you can use an old cereal box or the like, then cut out the shape of the fret.

Once the card is cut to the correct fret shape it is very important to make sure the card cut out fits tight in the fret hole or space of the old fret you are replacing.

When you have your card template fitting correctly you now need to make two more templates exactly the same shape and size as your original, these are used to sandwich the veneer you are making the new fret from, and this will give it strength when cutting the fret out and stop any breakout of the veneers.


The actual fret is made from sheets of veneer, normally you can glue together three sheets of veneer using PVA glue and a small veneer press, or two boards and a heavy weight on top.

When the sheets of veneer are dry transfer the shape of the card template onto the veneer ply and cut out. This is done with a scalpel or sharp chisel and make sure the veneer frets fit like you did with the card cut out, some times a file is needed to make a really good fit.

When this has been done you need to glue the fret pattern to one of the card templates, depending on what pattern you have chosen, some times you may have to juggle the pattern around to fit in side the fret shape.

Now you can sandwich the veneer you are making the new fret from between the template with the fret pattern on at the top, and a blank card template at the bottom by taping the edges together with masking tape.

==================……..Template with Pattern.

= = = = = = = = = = = =..……..Three Ply Veneer.

==================……...Blank Card Template.


When your fret is taped up and ready for cutting out you need to drill holes in the parts of the fret that has to be cut out and removed.

These holes are for the fret saw blade to fit through, when cutting the fret out use your finest blade and have the fret saw on the slowest speed, this will give you more control with the fret saw and the level of work will be much higher. When all the fret is cut out remove the card from around the veneered fret, give the fret a touch up with a fine needle file and sand to finish.


If you are restoring an antique longcase clock and both sets of frets are missing from the hood, for example a swan neck hooded clock, you will probably have to make both the fret shapes separately as most antique clocks may have already been restored or altered over the years or with the passage of time they may suffer from twisting or shrinkage and most probably be different, so don't take it for granted they are both the same.

When building new longcase clocks you know that both frets will be mirrored so you can cut both frets at the same time.

Female 60th Birthday Gift Ideas and the Role Fresh Flowers Can Play

Flowers are appropriate 60th birthday gift ideas for a female

Much like a wedding or special anniversary, turning 60 is a landmark event in someone’s life. It signifies the transition into retirement age for many, and simply into old age for others. There is no reason why this should be considered negative, however, as advanced years are a sign of wisdom and deserving of respect. When looking for 60th birthday gift ideas for a special female in your life, be she your wife, mother or grandmother; consider flowers as being a great choice. Not only do they possess a natural beauty that we all love and enjoy, but they also help rekindle memories of youth with their elegance and energy.

A beautiful bouquet or basket of flowers would make a grand choice of gifts and will help bring a smile to anyone’s face. Flowers also possess a natural healing power and help to cleanse the air, which is something that anyone, male or female, is sure to appreciate. If you have any questions about the ideal flowers to choose for someone, or would like some more gift ideas for a 60th birthday, feel free to contact your local florist. They’ll be happy to make suggestions based on their knowledge and experience.

Other female 60th birthday gift ideas

In addition to a bouquet or basket of flowers, you can choose from among any number of other arrangements at the florist’s store. One good idea is to add a card with a personalized message to the bouquet or basket, which completes the present nicely. You may wish to consider complimenting the flowers with scented candles, a soap set, gourmet teas and coffee, or any other selection available at the florist’s shop. A basket containing a mix of things would be the perfect gift for a 60th birthday, not only just for a female, but for anyone. For more ideas, read on.

Aside from these combinations you could try for something more unique. Consider an arrangement spelling out the person’s name or “60” in flowers or perhaps the creation of a wall decoration. Your choices are pretty much limitless. If you’re having trouble deciding or need some suggestions for good female 60th birthday gift ideas, going down to see your florist would be a wise choice of action. They’ll be able to listen to your descriptions and point out an appropriate presentation to suit your needs. For information about how to order flowers online, continue reading.

Using the internet to find female 60th birthday gift ideas

Ordering flowers has never been easier thanks to the internet. With the ability to select a complete order, pay for it and arrange for delivery without needing to leave your home of office, the convenience is hard to ignore. As a result, florists strive to make their website as accessible as possible.

If you’re unable to attend the 60th birthday of a special female in your life, you’ll enjoy being able to use the florist’s website to browse gift ideas and send flowers along in your stead. The process is an easy one. All you need to do is visit the florist’s website, peruse their selection, pick what you’d like and then pay for it using a secure order form.

If you’re from out of town or ordering internationally, you can specify the address when making the purchase. Florists offer same-day delivery to anywhere in your own nation and next-day internationally thanks to a network of affiliates they’ll have set up. Let them know what you’d like and they’ll ensure it arrives at your family member’s house fresh and beautiful to help them feel the same. For any questions about suitable female 60th birthday gift ideas, visit your florist’s website today.

Ideas and Suggestions for When You Need Funeral Flowers

When making this decision you will need to know the various types of arrangements available, and which types of flowers best suit the funeral you have planned or will participate in. There are a wide variety of arrangements available to you, including ones that can be sent to the family or church of the departed. Florists are happy to transport the flowers you pick for the funeral service to the burial site, and are also able to prepare the flowers in attractive baskets for you or the family to take home after the funeral. Coffin sprays, which are four-foot decorative drapes laid over the coffin during the funeral service, as well as heart-shaped arrangements, are both very popular and likely to serve your need admirably. The heart arrangements tend to last for longer periods and display flowers beautifully while also conveying your love for the departed. It is also possible for you to order decorated pillows and cushions with flowers and other designs for the interior of the casket. There is no limit to the variety of flowers that can be used for a funeral arrangement, and many people choose them based on the personality or gender of the departed. Very popular are white chrysanthemums, which can be sprayed with color to create the arrangement that you need and find appropriate. If you need something a little more specialized, tropical and green plants can be combined. For a fundamentally appropriate choice, any variety of white flowers is always a good idea, as white symbolizes truth, integrity, calmness, and serenity among other noble virtues. Roses of any color are a very popular choice of flowers for funerals, and carry with them a traditional appeal. Chrysanthemums are more popular than carnations due to the expense of the latter, but either can be used depending on your need for the funeral. As you can see, pretty much whatever you need to prepare the perfect arrangement is readily available to you. Whatever your choice, one thing you need to remember is that a funeral floral arrangement should come from your heart to represent the bond that you shared with the departed. Aside from giving a personal eulogy, there is no more fitting a gesture than to provide a beautiful arrangement of flowers for the casket, service, or family. If words are fleeting and you need a way to express your feelings, floral arrangements are touching and effective ideas. When the time comes, saying your farewell with flowers is a beautiful and heartfelt way to convey your sympathy and love.

Out of the Dark Comes a Miracle: Coping with pregnancy loss

Staring at the flat green ultrasound screen, all I could think was, it isn't possible. I was so careful to eat right, stay healthy, do everything I could.

My obstetrician brought in two other doctors to confirm the ultrasound. I had lost my baby in utero at 29 weeks. It still seemed like a bad dream when I had to make that horrible phone call to my husband and tell him to come to the hospital. We had planned this pregnancy, found out it was a girl, and named her. We had talked about how we were going to raise her and love her and teach her all sorts of things. We had been in excited anticipation of her future the entire pregnancy. And now, I had the task of telling my husband she was gone.

Our doctor sent us home for the night to get some rest (if we could) before labor was induced the next day for delivery. My husband and I couldn't go home. We stopped by quickly and gathered some clothes and headed to his parents house 30 minutes away. We didn't want to be alone that night.

After I delivered our daughter, Anne, the next day, our doctor and the staff let us hold her as long as we needed. She was perfect – just like I knew she always was. A perfect two pound angel.

What caused me to lose Anne? My doctor said the umbilical cord was inserted wrong in my placenta and therefore my daughter was not getting enough nutrition and oxygen. There was no one to blame. It took me a long time to let myself come to terms with that. I questioned everything in my life right down to the food I ate. I thought there must be a definitive answer for WHY? Not so. It just happened.

I was invited to attend a group called SHARE Parents. I was surprised to find out that one in every five women experiences this kind of loss. Whether it is a miscarriage or losing a child at birth. I also found out that there are numerous ways to deal with, move on, and grow from such a loss.

After speaking with a nurse from the delivery unit of Logan Regional Hospital where I delivered Anne, I discovered that just twenty five years ago society as a whole and the medical field did not address ways to cope with infant loss or miscarriages. They simply removed the baby from the mother's sight as soon as possible and sent her home, almost as if the child had never been. This, they thought, was in the mother's best interest for moving on. However, today women who experience such a loss are cared for much differently. Medical professionals have now recognized the emotional health effects of infant loss on the mother, father, and family involved. Below are several key ways that have helped myself and others like me come to terms with the loss of an infant or a miscarriage.

1) Name your child if you haven't already done so. This will help you and family members feel that he or she was truly a part of your family.

2)If possible, hold your child. When my husband and I were able to hold Anne for a couple of hours at the hospital we felt a special peace from holding and touching her little fingers and legs and seeing how she looked like us.

3)Take pictures or have someone do that for you. Sometimes grief/loss groups will come and take pictures of your child for you dressed in a beautiful white dress or white outfit. These are very tasteful and will become keepsake treasures. Ask your hospital to contact one of these groups in your area for you to see if this service is available. You can also take pictures in the hospital of you holding your baby or of just his or her little hands or feet to help you always remember what they looked like.

4) Put together a keepsake box of your child. This could include a blanket that the baby what bundled in at the hospital, a clip of hair, pictures, a tiny teddy bear, and any other memorabilia you can think of.

5)Plant a flower garden or tree in your child's name.

6)Write a letter to your child. This can be particularly healing and you can also gain closure to your grief by doing this. You can tell your child how much you love him or her and other hopes and thoughts you think they would want to know. Save this letter in a keepsake box or in some other special place.

7)Celebrate their birthday. Their is nothing wrong with celebrating the short life they did have. It doesn't matter if you lost your child at 16 weeks in utero or shortly after a full term delivery. They are your child and you can celebrate their birthday each year. Give a gift to another child, or visit their grave with flowers. My husband and like to set aside her birthday each year for remembrance. You can also celebrate their birthday each year by doing a kind act for someone.

8)Cry. Let it out as much as possible when you feel the need. If your alone and you don't want to be, call a friend to come over or go see a family member that has a soft shoulder to lean on. Your feelings are 100% real and need expressing. The more you hold them in the more detrimental it can become to your mental and emotional life.

9)Turn to your husband or family when dealing with your grief. Odds are they are feeling very sad too and you can comfort each other in turn. It is especially important to stay as close as possible to your husband. This kind of loss can easily tear a relationship apart. Take this loss as a que to talk to each other even more, find comfort in intimacy, and constantly be checking on the other person daily to see how they are doing.

10) Ignore unwelcome comments. Many people don't know what to say when someone else loses a baby and their comments may even come out sounding harsh or unfeeling.This can be especially jolting when they come from family members or friends. Most of the time the person does not realize what they are saying and actually means well. Ignore the comment as much as possible and change the conversation or you can choose to address the comment with a loving tone that lets the other person know how that comment makes you feel.

I hope that these ten ways to cope with the loss of an infant are helpful. I realize each loss is unique and requires its own route to healing. When I lost Anne I was forced to discover my own strength. To either grow that much stronger in my religious beliefs or shrink away from them. To grow closer to my husband or drift apart emotionally.

A couple of months after my loss I read a book that was given to me by a friend. It's called Gone Too Soon: The Life and Loss of Infants and Unborn Children, by Sherri Wittwer. As I was reading I was struck by a particular passage that said, "To experience the full spectrum of the most heart-wrenching emotions in the human experience and to still emerge triumphant is, indeed, the miracle." Getting through it is the miracle! As women we are not invincible. With all our divine strengths also comes great vulnerability. However, when we can allow both time and the grieving process to heal us, we can be transformed into our own miracle. Do whatever helps bring peace to your life.

It has now been about three and a half years since I lost Anne. We've since had two beautiful and healthy children. I'd give anything to also have Anne with me, and one day when my children are old enough to understand, I look forward to telling them about the sister they've never met. For now, I hold on to the memory of her little life that was once a part of me, to the belief that she will always be my daughter, and that someday I will see her and hold her in my arms again.