"Chi" is a very Chinese concept that is often misinterpreted and misunderstood by Westerners. In addition, astrology has many different variations, including Chinese Astrology. But in Chinese philosophy, Chi and Chinese Astrology are related.
First, Chi can be basically defined as life energy or spiritual force. Everyone living person has Chi. However, some people are better able to cultivate and channel their Chi while others block or leak their Chi. For example, the Chinese martial arts of Tai Chi focuses on conducting and flowing energy throughout the body. Masters of Tai Chi believe that you can control your body's Chi by controlling your breathing with practice and concentration. Furthermore, Yoga which is gaining in popularity is the Indian version of controlling Chi through breathing.
Second, in Chinese Astrology, one believe that their Chi is controlled by the Chinese Zodiac animal sign and elements which is determined by the year one is born in. So Chinese Astrology regulates the flow of Chi over time. A person has inherent Chi, but one's level of Chi can also change based on their Chinese Astrology sign and Chinese Zodiac animal
and elements.
Finally, Feng Shui also plays a role. Feng Shui governs the flow of Chi over space. To illustrate, if your living space or working space is not properly arranged, then the flow of Chi over that space will be blocked which produces suboptimal results for the person living or working there. One can manipulate their internal Chi with Tai Chi and physical Chi with proper Feng Shui. But one cannot change their birth year.
So to optimize your Chinese Astrology Chi, one leverages the principles of Chinese Astrology to reach out to the right friends, colleagues, and others to balance their Chi level that is unbalanced due to their birth year and elements.