Friday, June 29, 2007

The energy efficient home

High energy use not only has environmental impacts but can hit you personally in the pocketbook. Here is a list of helpful suggestions that may allow you to reduce energy consumption in your household.

Minimize hot water use by taking shorter showers and washing your clothes in cold water.
Use your dishwasher and washing machine only with full loads.
Dry clothes in the sun (check your covenants, clotheslines are prohibited in some communities).
Try setting your water heater at 120 degrees.
Close doors to seldom used rooms and turn off heat or air conditioning in these areas.
Clean or replace heater and air conditioner filters regularly. Keep outside vents free of leaves or debris that may clog vents.
Use kitchen, bath, and other exhaust fans sparingly. These fans can blow away a house full of heated or cooled air in an hour.
Keep your fireplace damper closed unless you have a fire going. An open damper can let as much as 8 percent of your heat go out the chimney. The warmth from a fire on the hearth generally doesn't radiate through the house; the heat gain is confined to the room with the fireplace. In fact, a considerable amount of heated air from other parts of the house can go wastefully up the chimney when a fire is going.
To lessen heat loss when you use your fireplace and the furnace is on, lower the thermostat setting to 50 or 55 degrees. Some warmed air will still be lost, but the furnace won't have to use as much fuel to keep the rest of the house at its usual temperature
Close all doors and warm air ducts to the room with the fireplace, and open a window near the fireplace half an inch to an inch. Air needed by the fire will be provided through the open window, and the amount of heated air drawn from the rest of the house will be reduced.
When the heat is on, set your thermostat at as low a level as you feel comfortable. You save for each degree you lower the average temperature of your home.
Keep windows near your thermostat tightly closed; otherwise it will keep your furnace working after the rest of the house is heated to the desired temperature.
If you have oil heat, have the firing rate checked periodically.
Dust and vacuum radiator surfaces frequently. Dust and grime impede the flow of heat.
Keep draperies and shades open in sunny windows; close them at night.
For comfort in cooler indoor temperatures, use the best insulation of all--warm clothing.
Keep your cooling system well-tuned by a professional service person.
Set your air conditioner thermostat as high as you still feel reasonably comfortable.
Don't set the thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. Your house will not cool any faster.
If you have window air conditioners, turn them off when a room will be vacant for a few hours. You'll use less energy cooling the room down later than if you had left the unit running.
Use a fan in conjunction with your window air conditioner.
Don't place lamps or TV sets near your air-conditioning thermostat. Heat from these items is sensed by the thermostat and could cause the air conditioner to run longer than necessary.
Keep out daytime sun with blinds or shades.
Keep lights off in vacant rooms.
Use large appliances in the early morning and late evening.
Open the windows and use a fan on cooler days.
Dress appropriately for the warmer indoor temperatures.
Use cold water rather than hot when running the garbage disposal.
Boil water in a covered pan; the water boils faster when the pan is covered.
Keep range top burners and reflectors clean so your stove operates at peak efficiency.
When using an oven or an electric burner, turn it off a little while before the cooking is done. The oven or element will stay hot after you turn it off.
When you have a choice, use the range top instead of the oven.
Scrape dishes before loading them into the dishwasher so you won't have to rinse them.
Let your dishes air dry.
Don't use the "rinse hold" on your dishwasher for just a few soiled dishes.
Water Conservation Makes Dollars and Sense
Reducing water use in your home may save you a few extra dollars on your water bill, but there are far more important reasons to conserve water. Water conservation has many positive environmental effects, including preserving fresh water habitats and saving energy.

A great deal of energy goes into transporting water to your residence, and more is used to heat water for your kitchen and bathrooms. Conserving water can prevent some of the pollution caused by excessive energy use while allowing you to save on your energy bill.

When we use too much water, the result can also be detrimental to the environment. Much of the water that we consume comes from underground reserves. If this water is used faster than it is replenished, the land above the water reserves can sink. Once subsidence occurs, the underground aquifers where water was stored cannot be reformed and area that relied on the aquifer will have to find other sources of water.

Following are some suggestions on ways to save water:

Take showers rather than baths. Showers use about a third as much water.
Take shorter showers.
Avoid leaving the water running while shaving and brushing teeth.
Don't use the toilet as a trash can.
Use the dishwasher and washing machine only with full loads.
Don't run water continuously for vegetable and dish washing.
Water lawns in the morning to avoid evaporation.
Keep grass at least two inches high to shade roots.
Use mulch or ground covering plants to prevent excessive evaporation.
Use waste water from the house to water your garden.
Plant native or drought tolerant plants.
Water trees slowly, deeply and infrequently to encourage deep rooting. A slow drip for an hour once a week should be sufficient for most trees.
Use a broom rather than the hose to clean off walkways, patios and other outdoor areas.
When washing your car, use a bucket of water or a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle instead of letting the hose run.
What You Should Know About Recycling
Americans are recycling more than ever before, and with good reason. Recycling saves energy, natural resources and landfill space.

Aluminum is a material for which a strong recycling market exists. Recycling aluminum cans saves 95 percent of the energy that it takes to manufacture a new can. Throwing away a 12-ounce can is the energy equivalent of throwing away six ounces of gasoline. Aluminum cans are just one example of how important recycling is. Recycling of newspapers, used motor oil, non-aluminum beverage containers and yard clippings is equally important to our environment and our economy.

Recycling is truly a cause in which every individual makes a great difference. The way you shop for, use and dispose of the products that you buy seriously affects the environment. So, purchase and consume according to the 3 "R"s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Reduce the amount of garbage you generate by buying and using products wisely:

"Precycle" by purchasing products in recyclable containers.
Purchase foods in bulk or concentrate.
Avoid products that are neither reusable nor easily recyclable.
At work, make two-sided photocopies.
Use cloth towels in the kitchen rather than paper towels.
Stop unwanted junk mail by removing your name from mailing lists.
Reuse product whenever possible:

Start a compost pile with your leaves and grass clippings.
Leave a coffee mug or two at work and avoid using disposable cups.
Use blank back sides of used paper for scratch work.
Look into purchasing quality used items instead of new ones.
Take your grocery bags back to the market and reuse them.
Mend clothes and repair broken items.
Take care of your belongings to help them last longer. In particular, try to keep your car on a regular maintenance and tune-up schedule.
Use products that are made to be reused, such as cloth towels, sponges, glass dishes and metal eating utensils (rather than paper and plastic), rechargeable batteries, etc.
Drop off your used motor oil, antifreeze, and car batteries at places that recycle automotive wastes.
Donate clothing, books, toys, appliances and furniture to charitable organizations.

air conditioner filters

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When the summer months roll around many of us look forward to having our homes cooled down by using air conditioners. There are many types of air conditioners that we can purchase and use. Now even though we trust on air conditioners to keep us cool these machines need to be cleaned every so often. By seeing to the conditioner of your air conditioner filters you can get fresh air rolling close to your homes. Each type of air conditioners is dissimilar but they all execute the same role which is to cool our inside environment. They do this by delivery the warm air that already exists in our surroundings inside of the air conditioner filters work to separate the dust, dirt and pollen from that air. The freshly refined air is cooled and then pushed back out into our homes and offices.

The filters which are in the air conditioners prevents the dust and pollens that are floating about our homes and working places from returning to the outer environment and causing various allergies to begin. To get the best use from your air conditioner it is a good idea to have you air conditioner filters cleansed just before the summer season starts. This way you will have a smoothen and effective workings air conditioner.

There are many uses for an air conditioner to do besides that of holding a room or house cool. Now we want air conditioners that provide some eccentric of health protection. To help figure out these concerns dissimilar types of air conditioners now have air purifying systems installed along with the air conditioner filters.

This case of air purifier brings pestiferous air into the air conditioner and traps the various substances like darling hairs, pollen and debris in the purifier. The air conditioner filters work by ensuring that diverse fine particles that may have escaped from the purifier are caught by these filters and they can’t get released back into our homes.

Since these systems help to care for our health many types of air borne viruses and contaminants don’t have anyplace that they can stay and multiply in. Therefore many companies have combined the functions of these two air purifier and air conditioners filters together.

For this conclude many times we now look for an air conditioner that will provide for our health by removing harmful substances and allergy causation stuff from our work places and homes. The air conditioner filters are now combined with an air purifier to give us this safe feature that we hope and look for.

How To Properly Insulate Your Home

Most modern homes are insulated well, but some older homes could stand to have some additional insulation put in. The only way to figure out if you need more insulation is to find out what the recommended R-values for insulation are in your area. They vary from region to region. Then you will want to check the amount of insulation you have in your attic and basement or crawl space to see if it matches the recommended levels of insulation.

There are various types of insulation you can buy: blankets, batts, and loose cellulose insulation. They all are good for different situations. In the attic you can use any one of these types of insulations. Blankets can be used in the attic as well. For walls, loose cellulose is often used by blowing it into the wall spaces. In the basement, you might want to try putting batts in between the floor joists and along the walls.

Try to keep a good amount of ventilation in the attic and crawl space. You don't want to over-insulate the space. If you don't leave enough air space for insulation, warm air can rise in the winter and condense in your attic into moisture where it will end up trapped by too much insulation. This can cause rotting. The same is true about the basement, if you have too much insulation water can be trapped and cause rotting. You should try to keep the insulation away from any metal flues or recessed light fixtures. Try to also keep it away from masonry chimneys.

For safety reasons, you should handle the fiberglass insulation with gloves, goggles, and a respirator on. This may seem like overkill but you don't want the fiberglass particles getting into your lungs. Over the years, health concerns from breathing in fiberglass fibers has increased and should be taken into consideration when installing your own insulation.

When insulation your home, don't forget your windows. They should be weather-stripped to keep drafts from reducing the energy efficiency of the house. In addition, if you see any area that has cracks, try to caulk them up. If you have enough money and want to invest in double-glazed windows, these help to insulate the home against heat loss from the windows.

Insulating your home is not a difficult task. There are many different people who can help you get the information you need from R-values for your area to the types of insulation best suited for you job. As always, take your own personal safety into account when choosing to install the material. Try to follow the manufacturer's directions and keep the ventilation clear so that moisture does not accumulate and cause rot. After you have finished insulating the basement and attic, take a look at your windows and doors and see where some additional weather-stripping might help. If you're still not happy with the warmth of your home, then think about installing double-glazed windows for added insulation value and home efficiency.

Create a Feel Good Home and Keep Your Life On Track

I'm not getting all Martha Stewart on you. But, if you want to get, and keep, your life on track, you need a home base that feels good and inspires you; body, mind and spirit.

What does your home say about the life you are creating? Take a look around. Does it feel unclear, without direction and a little drab? Is it stuck in the past? Or, is it fresh, inviting and purposeful? Does everything have a place? Are there well appointed places to relax, entertain, take action and connect?

Your house, given the chance, has the power to lift you up. It can also serve as a powerful anchor; a visual reminder of the life you want and are creating.

Think of your home as a big energy field. Like all things, everything in your home vibrates energy. Some of this energy will feel good to you and some of it will feel bad. For example: clutter. How does it make you feel when you see a room full of clutter? Zapped, right? Clutter drains energy for lots of reasons; it represents an unfinished job, old stuff and the past. It reflects indecision and holding on.

On the other hand, how does a clean, uncluttered room feel? Ahhh... fresh, open, alive. An uncluttered room feels purposeful. It also represents "space". And in that space new has a place to enter.

The key to creating a "feel good home" is to remove what feels bad and add what feels good.

The following tips will get you started.

1. Simplify

Clear the clutter. Remove the old, broken and out of date. An easy rule of thumb to follow is to get rid of anything you haven't used in the last six months. Attack each room and divide the things in it into three categories; keep, donate and trash. Simplify your home every six months.

2. Refresh

Nothing feels better than a fresh coat of paint on lifeless, dingy walls. Paint, clean your carpets. Heck, CLEAN! Open the windows. Shake out the rugs. Replace the furnace and air filters. Have your vents cleaned.

3. Go Natural

Let some fresh air in. Buy fresh flowers. Get a few house plants. Surround yourself with the colors of nature; green, sand, ocean blue. If you can afford it, replace flooring with natural wood or stone. Get a water fountain for the corner of a room.

4. Go Light

Open the blinds or drapes. Paint the walls in lighter shades. Cover the windows in sheers to let in diffused, yet natural light.

5. Add Inspiration

Add inspiring works of art. It doesn't need to cost a lot. Go to your local museum store and buy postcards and have them matted and framed. Check out local galleries for pieces made my local artists. Decorate an area in your house with reminders of the life you are creating. (Remember, for every new piece you bring in, get rid of something old!)

A final word: sometimes we don't give ourselves permission to have the kind of home we really want. We hold back and come up with excuses why we shouldn't spend the money or time. If that's the case, how do your feelings about your home mirror the feelings you have about other areas of your life?

If you feel like you don't deserve the home of your dreams, could it be at a deep level you feel like you don't deserve the life of your dreams?

Investing in your home is an investment in your dreams. If you create a home environment you love and that makes you feel good, it will inspire you to create beauty in all parts of your life.

You don't have to spend a lot of money; you just have to look at your home consciously. You get to choose what you surround yourself with. Make it all feel good!

Your home, given a chance, has the power to lift you up. Let your home help you create the life you really want.

Win-Win Problem Solving

Do you feel frustrated because you seem to be struggling with the same nagging issues with yourself and others? Are you ready to solve your problems with win-win solutions?

As a practicing Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist, I have discovered that most of my clients' problems were unresolved for a very long period of time. Many individuals had been suffering for over twenty years with the same issue. Often couples were fighting repeatedly over the identical problem for at least thirty years, most of their married life.

How unfortunate it is that we are not taught how to communicate, and how to resolve our issues. Being human, it is normal and expected to have problems. The healthy person and couple are not problem free. However, they are successful because they know how to identify their issues, and how to resolve them.

The following guidelines can help you solve your problems so that you can function in a healthier way, learn from your conflicts, and be in harmony with yourself and others.

1. Understand that you can only solve problems when you are in your logical mode (left brain).

2. Begin by expressing all of your emotions by yourself in a constructive way. For example, if you are angry, you can release your feelings by writing them down, yelling into a pillow, taking a walk, or listening to relaxing music.

3. When you feel calm and clear about the problem, write it down as a question. For example, "How can I have enough time for myself?"

4. Then write down all of the possible answers to your question. Let your creativity and sense of humor help you. Sometimes the most outrageous ideas become the best solutions. You may even want to ask a friend to assist you.

For example: get up earlier, limit my organizational commitments, plan at least two evenings at home, fill in my alone time in my appointment book before I schedule anything else, plan a week-end away every month, say "no" to people without feeling guilty.

5. Now cross off any ideas that you are not willing to accept. Be honest and patient with yourself. You may find that you can only change one or two things at a time, especially if you have been struggling with this issue for awhile.

6. Look at the remaining solutions and work out the specific details necessary to carry them out. For example, decide which outside commitments you need to let go of, and who you need to say "No" to. Then plan when and how you will address these people.

7. In order to help you change your behavior patterns, it can be helpful to close your eyes and to visualize yourself spending more time alone, and doing what you want to do.

8. Writing positive thoughts can help you affirm your new patterns. Continue to write, say, sing, or read them until you have integrated your new belief or pattern.

Some examples are: "I, (your name), am spending more time by myself and people accept me. I, (your name), am saying ‘no' to other people and I am okay. I, (your name), realize that I need more alone time so that I can rest and rejuvenate, which is a gift to myself and others."

9. Reward yourself for being willing to solve your problem. You deserve it!

In order to solve a conflict with another person, follow the same outline. Be sure that you do not make comments to each other during the brainstorming (#4), so that your creativity will not be stifled. It is also important not to react in any way if either one of you crosses off an idea (#5) that you do not like. Remember that you both have to be able to live with the solutions in order for them to work. Strive only for win-win solutions and you will be successful.

If you do not come to an acceptable agreement, or you still feel upset with yourself or another, then you have probably not worked on the real issue. Explore the actual problem and then begin the process again.

This technique can be used successfully with anyone, including your family members, friends, managers, fellow employees, and neighbors.

As we solve our issues with ourselves and with the people in our lives, we can be happier, healthier, and more successful. When we can solve our conflicts with win-win solutions with other countries, what a peaceful world this will be.

How God wired Him So You Can Enjoy Your Relationships With Him

When it comes to men it can be harder for you to accept them the way god made them, but you have to consider that God made man in hopes to have some love and light in his world. Men are just as special as women and are considered to hold some of the most important roles in the world.

There was never been a women president for the US, have you ever asked yourself why? Guys are clutch players. They can take the pressure and make it all they can. Women however, they tend to get flustered. They pull through, but they panic.

Guys have a natural calmness, even though most of them can panic at a pin drop, but most of the time, they are the rock that they are considered to be. What you need to do is accept him just as much as he has accepted you and just as God has accepted man.

1) Men and Women think very differently.

Women tend to think with their heart and men are more logical. You can persuade women by touching her emotions; however, if the facts do not add up you cannot persuade a man. That is the greatest thing about a guy taking a guy to pick out a good car or home, because you never can persuade a man with emotion or such.

2) The way that men and women talk.

Men tend to talk aggressively and to the point. They do not get you all the facts, but just enough to give you an idea of what has happened. They also do not bore you with long and drawn out stories. Women on the other hand tend to talk your ear off about the small details. Men also tend to look at things in a different light. They tend to look at things in the whole picture and not the tiny little details. Men are not interested in the details, but they are interested in the outcome.

3) The way that men and women react

Men and women not only talk and think differently, but they tend to react to things differently as well. Men can be aggressive. They can be aggressive in the way that they talk, the way that they walk, and the way that they react to others.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, but they are a little bit rougher in their responses. Men are also brutally honest at times. If you do not want to hear the truth, you should never ask your boyfriend, but your friend for the answer. They will say what they think or feel without any concern for others; because they feel that the truth is always best. Women tend to think that this is rude, but men just think that being honest is right. They also aren't so eager to give out sympathy if you don't deserve it. They aren't going to baby someone who doesn't deserve it. This is just one of the aspects of their personality that women see as being cold, but again, they see it as being honest. There are lots of things that men do that women tend to confuse, but you have to learn how to appreciate your man for who he is and talk to him with understanding.

4) Working out a relationship.

For a relationship to work out you have to mutually respect each other. You will find that you will need to understand each other and appreciate each other for the way the both of you are. Love tends to be very strong willed. You will also find that your relationship with each other may need more than just love. You need to have respect, understanding, and acceptance to make a go at the relationship.

With the respect for each other, you should be able to work on your relationship and you will be able to speak openly about your feelings. You will be able to communicate to each other and your relationship will be stronger than ever. You will be able to have a good, solid relationship once you are able to understand each other. You have to accept each other to want to be in a relationship, but for a real relationship you have to learn how to relate and understand each other or the bond is superficial.

If you really want to get to know your boyfriend or husband you may want to ask to do some of the things that he wants to do. Eat things that he likes, and even talk about how he feels in the relationship. It isn't always about what you want in the relationship, but what he wants out of the relationship as well. You will want to take some of these steps so that you can become closer than ever.

Ceiling Fans Are Becoming Very Popular

There are a few reasons to install a ceiling fan in your house. Ceiling fan companies realize this and provide the consumer with numerous accessories and parts to help install a ceiling fan in a number of locations. A Complete manual on how to install a Ceiling Fan may take more than just an article; it may all even take up an entire booklet. Take into account that if you employ a professional to install it, you will be paying extra cash.

Room size dictates the fan best suited but as a basic rule of thumb most rooms can accommodate a 50" or 52" size fan, consequently all manufacturers make their most popular styles in this size. Today there are so many choices of blades and you can choose between size, the color or style. Knowing the size of the room is important so you can pick the right size of fan. What size fan is needed for a particular room? The most common size by far is the 52" fan, which is typically appropriate for most rooms.

Weights are included which allow you to perfectly balance your blades to eliminate wobbling. Ideally you want a clearance of approximately 7 to 8 feet from the ceiling fan blades to the floor.

The standards for ceiling fans are really non existent, the length of blades will vary depending on the brand your purchase. The more the number of the blades, the costlier is the fan. When choosing a ceiling fan many people believe that the more blades you have will give you better circulation in the room.

When installing ceiling fans you need to measure to make sure the blades have room to rotate, to the height of the blades will need to be 8 feet from the ground. Many ceiling fans come with all the fittings tucked and hidden under the blades so they are not seen.

When wiring the fan make sure that all connections are tight, use wire nuts to do, there should be no wires showing, since this will be dangerous. Most homes today come with 12 or 14 gauges copper wire which is attached an amp which is 15 to 20. When preparing to install the ceiling fan make sure you are prepared with the proper tools, many instructions let you know what tools are necessary, screw drivers, circuit testers, drill, ladder and pliers.

If all the above is taken into consideration you will enjoy years of increased comfort and energy savings with your new ceiling fan. Ceiling fans can reduce your energy bills up to 40% in the summer and 10% in the winter. All ceiling fans are now energy efficient, but all fans are not created equally all have different efficiency rating.

The fans today come with an Energy Star rating, try to find the best energy rating you can, this will save the amount of electric you use.

Light on a ceiling fan can be useful in bedrooms, home theatres, and any other location it is beneficial to adjust the fan and lights without having to get up and operate a wall switch or pull cord. Many light packages have stems or branches which are adjustable and these lights have the ability to be pointed to any position. Many fan lights come in a covered bowl configuration, the bulbs are hidden by the bowl, the bowl can be removed to change the light bulbs. Some even have fitters that you can mount lights from.